We have invested in three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, and economical. These initiatives allow us to be an active community and business partner.
green initiatives
We identified opportunities to optimize energy-consuming equipment and systems to reduce our energy footprint long-term. Our renewable efforts are:
ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: Utilizing our Business Intelligence programs, we monitor our energy intensity at each facility. The monitoring tool allows us to be proactive and implement best practices at each facility.
SOLAR: Solar fields have been installed at our Newfield Logistics Center, Vineland North Facility, and our Delanco Logistics Center. We derive 100% of our power from solar at these sites.
LED: To reduce our environmental impact and improve the working conditions for employees, LED lighting has been installed at all our logistics centers inside and outside with sensors.
CO2 REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: At our newest facility in Delanco, NJ, we installed a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system. This is an alternative to traditional ammonia and HFC-based refrigerants. The CO2 refrigeration system doesn’t have global warming potential or ozone-depleting properties compared to the conventional refrigerants.

Quick RLS Sustainability Facts
At our Newfield, NJ campus, the solar field array produces over 6,000,000 kilowatt hours a year, enough electricity to power 500 typical homes in the United States.
Additionally, at our Newfield campus, the corresponding reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (4000 tons per year) is equivalent to taking 800 cars off the road or avoiding 1400 tons of landfill waste each year.
From switching to LED lighting fixtures at our Pittston, PA Logistics Center, the reduction in CO2 is equivalent to planting 117 acres of trees, saving 48,235 gallons of gas, and removing 75 cars from the road.
The CO2 refrigerant system’s effect on climate is 1,500 to 4,000 times less than that of synthetic refrigerants.
Between our Newfield and Delanco facilities, our solar fields are equal to 40 acres!

PPA Case Study
RLS Logistics, one of the region’s leading temperature-controlled logistics providers, and HelioSage, a national solar project development firm, have annnounced the successful commissioning of a 257 kilowatt solar array at the company’s headquarters in Newfield, New Jersey.